EXTERNAL COST BEFORE YOU CAN START €10 Euro Dollars one-off upfront set-up pledge and €10 Euro Dollars weekly Subscription thereafter for each platform.
Your acccount will NOT be qualified until your payment is received.
Weekly Pay-it-forward 50/50 Membership Subscription from each personally introduced Subscriber.
Just introduce 10 New Subscribers within the first month of joining and add 1 New Subscriber each month thereafter to qualify.
NOTE: We can adopt any stage at any time in a Trading Alliance of Commercial and Consumer Affiliates.
STAGE 1 Recruitment of 100.000 Plus Financially Active Consumer Members who are Increasing Internal Credits from sponsorship.
STAGE 2 Introduction of Governing Body Politics and Member Databases for global infrastructure development and support or a Commercial Alliance with their own Customer Databases.
STAGE 3 Wealth transfer and exchange. Out with your old items and in with the new, from idle capacity laying around the home.
STAGE 4 Introduction of Service Providers on our minimum payment structures through 50/50 Manpower Outsourcing or similar. Everyone has a talent that can be an advertised service. Check out the faq's for the minimum hourly rate charges.
STAGE 5 Introduction of Small to Medium Enterprises and Cooperative Merchants for local bartering and exchange through Trade Alliances.
STAGE 6 Introduction of Partnership and Joint Venture Cooperatives for National bartering and exchange.
STAGE 7 Introduction of a collective cooperative business alliance for global bartering and exchange.
ALL the above are subject to our rules of engagement guided by the Guardians Of Divinity, providing transactions are ethical and do not bring harm to people or their environment. Members can be suspended or terminated from this program for criminal or harmful behavior, so please exercise caution when transacting.
CREDIT Value is based on 25th June 2014 Unrebutted Common Law Commercial Lien, TBC Value, GOD's Bank Reserves supported by scripture and Sovereign De Jure Suveran Authority Creditors who are the AU Gold Standard Authority of the People, [Me and I] in the Mauri [Maori] Native language, now a registered instrument of value with the Kingdom of God on Earth World of Love Governance - Te Whare Matamuatanga o IO Aotearoha Kawanatanga as an infinite covenant value of our Supreme Creator IO. [See supported evidence above] Digits/Credits are only a Private Medium of Exchange that requires the Commodity of People, who ARE the AU Gold Value of authority to Exchange Items, that will provide True Intrinsic Value of any exchange. Genesis 1:26-31, Isaiah 45:5-7, I Timothy 6:15 &16, Psalm 62:11&12, Psalm 147:3-5. REFERRENCE: Each Person(s) Birth Certificate and (SSN) Social Security Number/(TIN) Tax Identification Number has hidden value. NZ Income Tax Act 2007 Section EW 60 - A trustee of a deceased’s estate is a cash basis person for financial arrangements. NZ Public Finance Act 1989, Statement of Guarantee Given Under Section 65ZD of the Public Finance Act 1989 pursuant to section 65ZD of the said Act, dated 5 June 2020 - Minister may give guarantee or indemnity if in public interest exceeds $10,000,000. Global Asset Trust [GAT] - NZ National Provident Fund Restructuring Act 1990, Section 5.1(2)(a) as part of the 1844 Victoria Trust / Mauri Trust Fund, Native Reserve Bank, Awaroa and Akaroa Bank Accounts, The Endowment Reserve Trust Bank Charter 1831 then later The Onehunga Endowment Trust Bank 1861, NZ Public Trust and ALL Bank Reserves, including but not limited to global accounts held with The World Bank, Federal Reserve Bank, Central Bank and International Monetary Fund, New York Stock Exchange and United State Securities and Exchange Commission Corporations, endorsed by the [G.A.T] General Agreement on Trade Seal.
Please be kind and give-a-little to support this cause. Our Guardians Of Divinity Thank you for your pledge.
MATTHEW 6:20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 6:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.